Between November 30 and December 12, government representatives from various countries will gather in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for COP28.
COP stands for Conference of the Parties, and this is the 28th annual meeting organized by the United Nations to focus on finding ways to tackle climate change.
At COP28, these representatives will discuss and create agreements aimed at dealing with the challenges posed by climate change. These agreements are significant because they hold governments accountable for taking action to protect our planet.
People who are involved in publishing and making the book supply chain more eco-friendly have a crucial role in addressing climate change. Here's why COP28 matters to them:
Global Impact: Climate change affects everyone, including the publishing industry. Extreme weather events, such as floods or droughts, can impact paper production, printing, and transportation of books. COP28 discussions can lead to global agreements that may influence how industries operate sustainably.
Policy Changes: Decisions made at COP28 can result in new policies and regulations related to environmental protection. These policies might encourage or even require companies in the book supply chain to use sustainable materials, reduce carbon emissions, or implement eco-friendly practices.
Market Trends: Agreements from COP28 can influence consumer preferences and awareness of these trends better helps book industry professions to understand market demand for eco-friendly materials and practices.
Innovation and Collaboration: COP28 discussions often encourage innovation and collaboration among industries to find solutions. Those in the book supply chain can learn from global discussions, adopt new technologies, and collaborate with other sectors to make their processes more sustainable.
COP28 is not just a meeting for governments—it's an opportunity to stay informed, advocate for sustainable practices, and contribute to a healthier environment for future generations.
Learn more on COP28's website.
Photo by Allec Gomes on Unsplash